Bologna, November 18, 2015
Centro Congressi CNR, via Gobetti 101
Time: 9.45-17
Video of the workshop
“Empowering the next generation to advance. Open Access, Open Education and Open data” is the focus of OpenCON 2015.
Our one-day workshop aims at gathering early career researchers as well as any open-oriented scientist, in order to debate about the value of openness, the tools and the incentives for opening up science, the need of a change in the ongoing practices.
We shall welcome two of the world’s best known open scientists, Peter Murray-Rust and Erin McKiernan, who will share with us their paths towards openness.
We shall try so answer to common questions such as: how can I promote my research via social networks? How can I make my data open? How can I license my data? How can I put my works in Open Access?
Questions and daily issues within the research workflow are welcomed. There will be plenty of time to address your cultural and practical concerns during the two interactive “Spot on” sessions.
The workshop will be in English.
To reach the venue: Italian – English
Registration is free but it is required. Please fill in the form below.
Live streaming here.

9.45 | Welcome address Roberto Zamboni , President, CNR Area della Ricerca di Bologna; Maria Chiara Pievatolo, AISA Welcome address |
Chair: Elena Giglia (University of Turin) | |
10.00 | Peter Murray-Rust Researchers have the power to change the way science is done and communicated |
10.45 | Erin McKiernan My pledge to be open |
11.30 | Discussion |
11.45 | Coffee break |
12.00 | Spot on: Universities and Research institutions must not lose control of their Science (Peter Murray-Rust) How to promote my research on the web (Erin McKiernan) |
13.30 | Lunch |
Chair: Alessandro Sarretta (ISMAR - CNR) | |
14.30 | Spot on: The culture of sharing (Giovanni Destro Bisol) How to make your paper open (Elena Giglia) [versione leggera senza foto, chi desidera originale con foto mandi mail] How to make your data open (Maria Laura Vignocchi) |
15.00 | Open discussion on these issues |
16.30 | Wrap up and conclusions (Angela Simone, scientific journalist) |
Scientific Committee
Paola Gargiulo, Anna Maria Tammaro, Paola Galimberti, Alessandro Sarretta, Silvana Mangiaracina, Ornella Russo, Maria Laura Vignocchi, Elena Giglia.
Organizing Commitee
Organized with the support of the University of Turin, the University of Parma, the University of Bologna, ISMAR CNR and CNR-Area della Ricerca di Bologna in collaboration with AISA – Associazione Italiana per la promozione della scienza aperta and OpenAIRE.