OpenAIRE national workshop

Torino, December 10th, 2018
Aula Magna, Rettorato, Università di Torino
Via Po, 17 Torino
9.30 – 16.30


The future of scholarly communication in Europe

How shall we communicate and evaluate science in the next few years? Do we still need journals? What about PlanS? And what about FAIR data and the EOSC, European Open Science Cloud? And the Social Sciences and Humanities?

The national OpenAIRE workshop aims to present different perspectives on the future of scholarly communication in Europe: new infrastructures and new services towards a more open and sustainable ecosystem.

To attend, please register (free but required).

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9.30Welcome addressprof. Enrico Pasini, Università di Torino
Session 1: the European landscape
9.45-10.30Open Science: the EC perspective, policy and initiatives [Abstract]Alea López de San Roman, European Commission, DG Research&Innovation
10.30-11.00Plan S – a funder’s initiative to accelerate the transition to OA [Abstract]Stephan Kuster, Science Europe
11.00-11.15PlanS: the Wellcome way (via video) [Abstract]Robert Kiley, Wellcome Trust
11.15-11.45Coffee break
11.45-12.15Research data management and FAIR sharing: why we need the big picture [Abstract]Shalini Kurapati, TU Delft
12.15-12.45OpenAIRE, an e-infrastructure for European Research [Abstract]Emma Lazzeri, CNR ISTI
Session 2: the stakeholders’ perspective (Chair: prof. Federica Cappelluti, Politecnico di Torino)
14.00-14.30Innovation in scholarly publishing: testing out new models [Abstract]Liz Allen, Director of Strategic Initiatives, F1000
14.30-15.00The Open Science Impact on Knowledge Exchange [Abstract]Federica Rosetta, Elsevier
15.00-15.30OPERAS, a research infrastructure for Social sciences and humanities [Abstract]Elena Giglia, Università di Torino
15.30-16.00Open Access journals and Universities: a world without APCs is possible [Abstract]Stefano Bolelli Gallevi, Università di Milano
16.00-16.30Discussion and final wrap up

The workshop will be interactive, with long Q&A sessions.

Under the auspices of