Il modello Diamond Open Access si rifersice a quelle riviste che non richiedono spese di pubblicazione (APC, Article Processing charges) agli autori.

Ci sono altri criteri “funzionali” per definire una rivista Diamond, ovvero

Persistent identification: the journal should have a valid and confirmed ISSN.
Scholarly journal: the journal should be a scholarly journal that selects papers via an explicitly described evaluation process before and/or after publication, in line with accepted practices in the relevant discipline (Diamas Consortium, 2024).
Open Access with open licences: all outputs of the journal should be Open Access and carry an open licence that is included in the article-level metadata.
No fees: publication in the journal is not contingent on the payment of fees of any kind (e.g. article processing charges or membership dues). The journal should state this as such on its webpage. Voluntary author contributions and donations are allowed, if this is not a condition for publication.
Open to all authors: authorship in the journal should not be limited to any type of affiliation. Any author can submit an article that is in line with the aims and scope of the journal.
Community-owned: the journal title must be owned by public or not-for-profit organisations (or parts thereof) whose mission includes performing or promoting research and scholarship. These include but are not limited to research performing organisations (RPOs), research funding organisations (RFOs), organisations connected to RPOs (university libraries, university presses, faculties, and departments), research institutes, and scholarly societies. The journal should explain its ownership status on its webpage.

Il modello Diamond è raccomandato come via sostenibile all’Open Access anche dalle Conclusioni del Consiglio d’Europa (maggio 2023).

A gennaio 2025 è stato lanciato lo European Diamond Capacity Hub per creare un centro di servizi e competenze a supporto delle riviste Diamond. Fra i servizi offerti c’è DOAS, Diamond Open Access standard, uno standar di qualità.

A dicembre 2024 si è tenuto il secondo Global summit on Diamond Open Access in Sud Africa. Interessante leggere il manifesto, che si apre con “sharing knowledge is a human right”.